HWBOT TEAM CUP 2021 - AMD GPU - 3DMark2001 SE

Welcome to the HWBOT Team Cup 2021. With six subcategory contests, twenty four unique stages this is without doubt the most exciting and dramatic team overclocking contest on the planet.

Running from August 1st to September 30th, the HWBOT Team Cup will once again pit the world’s best overclocking teams against each other in an effort to answer one massive question - which group of overclockers represents the most talented, best organized and dedicated overclocking team of the year? The contest spans virtually many hardware classes with a comprehensive mix of 2D, 3D, mobile and retro stages to look forward to. A place in overclocking folklore awaits the winners.

Closed Since 30 Sep


  • 3DMark2001 SE is closed since 30 September 2021


  • Only use DDR SD-RAM memory.
  • Only use videocard from the Radeon 9000 series family.
  • Only use processors using A (462), 754.
  • 2 submissions required
  • Use the offical competition background: https://i.postimg.cc/9FSHX9nq/TC21.jpg


Rank Participant Points Score
1 50 pts 27479.5 marks
2 48 pts 25319 marks
3 46 pts 22128 marks
4 44 pts 19038.5 marks
5 42 pts 18640 marks
6 40 pts 15410 marks
7 38 pts 13402 marks
8 36 pts 9827.5 marks
9 34 pts 3648.5 marks

Latest Submissions for Stage 3DMark2001 SE

Score Team User Hardware Cooling
7297 marks Radeon 9200/9250 (AGP 8x, 128bit) Air (Custom)
19655 marks Radeon 9800 XT Air (Custom)
27942 marks Radeon 9800 Pro Single Stage Phase Change
16497 marks Radeon 9800 XL Air (Stock)
27017 marks Radeon 9700 Pro Single Stage Phase Change
24203 marks Radeon 9800 SE (R350, 256bit) Air (Stock)
24739 marks Radeon 9700 Pro Single Stage Phase Change
9536 marks Radeon 9500 Pro Air (Stock)
23195 marks Radeon 9700 Pro Air (Stock)
20053 marks Radeon 9800 Pro Air (Stock)

First Position

27479.5 marks Overclock.net



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